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Joined November 11, 2019Crystal Member989 points

Innovation competition to solve the transportation challenge that we are facing at Metro Vancouver!

This move was initiated by IEBCA and ACCEPT and supported by ICPE. Please visit or to learn more about it.

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Innovation Challenge
Transortation Innovation Challenge for City of Vancouver

Established in 2009, IEBCA is a not-for-profit, non-political, non-religous organization with the aim of helping Iranian Engineers to thrive in BC community.

ACCEPT (not-for profit established in 2017) is also advocating engineering profession to Chinese Canadians, and help to establish a network among Chinese Canadian engineering professionals and technologists.

ICPE is a non- profit multidisciplinary organization of Iranian engineers, scientists and experts in Oil & Gas and Energy with many years of experiences in the industries both in Iran and internationally. The founders are renowned and prominent features in oil and gas design, operation, academia and R&Ds in upstream, midstream and downstream activities. They are a treasured source for information and networking in the dynamic fields of engineering, mentoring and technologies.